Ministries and organizations within the Community Life Commission provide opportunities for the St. Joseph Parish Community to grow together in fellowship. Its activities include opportunities to foster a spirit of togetherness and community among parishioners of all ages.
Jeff Branic,
The St. Joseph Funeral Luncheon Committee offers pastry and coffee or lunch in the Holy Family Center. This is available to any family who wishes to offer refreshment to their relatives and friends following a funeral at St. Joseph. Volunteers are needed to assist this ministry as hostess or to provide food items upon request. It's a great way to help out on an as-needed basis.
Regina Cardello, 440.846.0055,
St. Joseph Golf Committee consists of a group of parishioners whose purpose is to organize the annual St. Joseph Golf Outing. This annual outing is primarily a social event and at times, a fundraiser for St. Joseph Parish.
Tom Bender,
Coffee and donuts are served most Sundays after the various masses (8am and 10am) during the year and on special occasions. This hospitality ministry enables parishioners to socialize after Mass. One Sunday per month, volunteers serve coffee and clean up after the Mass they attend.
Monica Ali, 440-572-0860
Founded on the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism, the Knights of Columbus is the largest order of Catholic Laymen in the world and provides insurance benefits to its members and their families. The St. Francis of Assisi Council primarily volunteers for activities and raises funds that serve the Strongsville Community, including the parishes of St. Joseph and St. John Neumann. For the most current information, please visit the Council website.
Ray Bilecky, 216-402-7870,
The Picnic Committee is responsible for planning the Annual Parish Picnic, which occurs on the last Sunday in July. This same group has been instrumental in organizing other events such as the Outdoor Mass and Lenten Dinners. The group meets on an as-needed basis throughout the year. Committee chairpersons and volunteers are needed in various aspects of the events, including games, entertainment, set-up and clean-up.
Jeff Branic,
Prayer Shawls are knitted or crocheted by members of this ministry while offering prayers and blessings for the recipient. Intentions are continued throughout the creation of the shawl. When the shawl is completed it is offered with prayer to the recipient. You don’t have to be an experienced knitter to join. We have a beginner pattern, or you can use one of your own. We meet on Tuesday evenings during the school year.
Carole Kender,, 440-572-0773
For information about Prayer Shawls, please visit:
The Carpenters are a group of adults from the age of 50 and beyond. We are a diverse group committed to build strong relationships within our home, parish, and community. Events are planned monthly and offered to our members and guests in social, educational, and spiritual settings.
Judy Feador, 440-503-6229,