The Spiritual Life Commission and its member ministries exists to propose and help provide opportunities for parishioners to deepen their faith. Its goal is to enhance parishioners' faith and personal relationship with Jesus through prayer, education, and service.
Pat Pell, Chairwoman, 440-846-3225,
We offer many different bible study opportunities each year, beginning at the end of September. These sessions are structured programs that include Scripture readings, a video presentation, and small group sharing. These sessions are scheduled various mornings and evenings throughout the week. Fellow parishioners meet to read and study scripture.
Faith Formation Office, 440-238-5555,
Anyone who has been Baptized, and has received First Communion, but has not been Confirmed and would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation should contact either Deacon Pete or Deacon Bob. The training takes place in late February and March each year.
Deacon Bob Lester, 440-238-5555,
The Avilas are a group of men and women that meet regularly to pray for the priesthood and religious life. Their focus of prayer is not just limited to those thinking about ministry in the service of God, but also for those presently studying and especially those already actively serving the people of God. The Avilas of St. Joseph Church have joined with St. John Neumann Church on the first Monday of each month in St. John’s Chapel for 9:00am Mass, followed by the Avilas prayers.
First time parents attend a special class in preparation for their child’s baptism learning about the significance of the sacrament and the responsibilities of Catholic parenthood. St. Joseph has these sessions in February, April, June, August, October, and December, while St John Neumann hosts the sessions in the other months. Baptisms are celebrated at St. Joseph every Sunday (except during Lent) at 1:00pm or during any weekend Mass. If you wish to schedule a baptism, or in need of an emergency baptism for an ill, unbaptized person, please call the Parsh Office. Volunteers are invited to join in this ministry and share their experience of Christian parenting with new parents.
Deacon Bob Lester, 440-238-5555,
Gathered in the chapel every Friday evening, at 7pm, the Cenacle Ministry honors the Blessed Virgin Mary through Spiritual Readings, Recitation of the Rosary, and ministry fellowship.
Jim Kulway, 440-238-6163
Engaged couples are assisted by married couples who work with priests and deacons to help them meet the requirements of both the Pre-Cana (first marriage) and Cana II (second marriage) programs. Meetings are held in the married couples’ home sharing one on one with the engaged couple.
Fr. Joe Mamich, 440-238-5555,
Legion of Mary is a world-wide organization of Catholic men and women who offer their services to assist in performing spiritual works within the parish. By placing themselves under the banner of Mary, organization members strive to develop a greater devotion in their own lives while fostering a deeper devotion among others. The Legion of Mary meets every Monday evening at 7:00 p.m.
Anna Paczelt, 440-268-6284,
On the second Saturday of each month, a group of men gather together to celebrate the Eucharist, pray, share refreshments, and offer discussion. The group meets from 8:00 until 9:30am. Issues and topics related to men as Catholic-Christian husbands, fathers, and sons are discussed. Any man, over 18, parishioner or not, are invited to attend as their schedule permits.
Tony Tesoriero, 440-572-2408
The Ministry of Mothers Sharing is open to mothers of all ages and their children. Fellowship, spiritual growth, social interaction and fun for all members are the focus of this group which meets every Thursday morning from 9:30-11:00 am in the Holy Family Center.
Natalie Kimble, 216-789-9270,
Now, over twenty years old, members of this ministry are committed to regular intercessory prayer for a variety of intentions for the parish and for our world. Members receive monthly prayer requests and pray daily in their own homes. Members include our parishioners who may be elderly, ill, homebound, or otherwise not able to attend weekly Masses.
Rosanne Radziewicz, 440-238-9477
The Eucharist is reserved in our Church for the sick and because the Eucharist is reserved, the Faithful are encouraged to spend time in prayer in the presence of Christ. The Eucharist is exposed in a monstrance in our chapel and we are invited to spend at least one hour a week, either day or night, in prayer before the Eucharist. The Eucharist is reposed from Saturday at Noon until Sunday at 1pm, during Sunday Mass hours. Sign up for an hour with our contact person.
Regina Cardello, 440-846-0055
RCIA is a process that invites adults to explore the possibility of becoming Catholic. Those interested attend weekly sessions from September through the Easter season. Participants in the program are supported by the RCIA Team. The team is discerned by the parish priests and the RCIA coordinators.
Fr. Kevin Klonowski, 440-238-5555,
This is a program where individuals gather in small groups in members’ homes to share their faith and spirituality. There are groups in the parish that an individual can join or people can start their own group. The group can explore the Sunday readings of the liturgical year or can choose their own program or book for discussion.
Jackie Moore, 440-238-8870,