
Liturgy Commission

The Liturgy Commission exists to give vision and direction to the parish's Liturgical Prayer. The Commission is composed of staff and parishioners who seek to enhance the quality of parish worship. Ministries within the Liturgy Commission are primarily tasked with an active role in our parish liturgical celebrations. We also try to educate our parish on the Church's Liturgical Theology through pieces available on our webpage.

Click here to sign-up to minister during Lent, Triduum, and Easter!

Kathy Wolf, Chairperson, 330.461.0748,

Altar Servers - Adult

Adult servers assist at funeral liturgies, as well as, other parish liturgies as requested. No previous experience is required.

Phyllis Nemetz, 440-582-3225

Altar Servers - Youth

Boys and girls from grade five and up are invited to assist at Mass. The servers may also be asked to serve weddings, special liturgical feasts and other celebrations. This includes children in the day school and PSR.

Phyllis Nemetz,  440-582-3225,

Art & Environment

The Art and Environment Committee is involved with the preparation of the church for each liturgical season and invites those who have an appreciation and understanding of Catholic liturgy as well as those who are gifted in the visual arts (potters, woodworkers, fabric artists, painters) to bring their talents to the service of the liturgy. The committee meets as often as needed to prepare for the various liturgical seasons.

Rob and Annamaria Dolan, 440-846-3787

St. Joseph's Gardeners

St. Joseph's Gardeners are responsible for tending flower beds and shrubs throughout the parish grounds as a manner of welcoming people into our praying environment. The parish provides the mulch, water, and flowers; while parishioners provide the "tender loving care" (such as planting, pruning, and weeding) that the flowers and plants need to grow throughout the planting season.

Rob and Annamaria Dolan, 440-846-3787

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers have the special responsibility of helping the clergy to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ. New Eucharistic ministers are required to participate in the diocesan training sessions, as well as in St. Joseph’s preparation session. New parishioners who have served as Eucharistic Ministers elsewhere need only participate in St. Joseph's preparation session.

Doug Januszewski, 440-238-8048,

Eucharistic Ministers to Nursing Homes & Assisted Living

Eucharistic Ministers preside at a Communion Service on Sunday mornings for those people residing in nursing homes and assisted living facilities located within the boundaries of the parish. Training is required.

Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound

Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound distribute Eucharist to people who are homebound. You must be willing to not only bring the Eucharist to these individuals but also spend some time talking and praying with them. If you need Holy Communion brought to you, please call the parish secretary.

Deacon Bob Lester, 440.238.5555,


The lector's mission is to share the Word of God with the assembly after prayerfully reviewing the Scripture. Lector's arrive at a deeper understanding of the Word through their involvement.

Martha’s Ministers

This ministry acts as caretakers of the church. Areas maintained are the altar area, the sacristy, vestibules of church, and Eucharistic Chapel. Some of the responsibilities include changing candles, replenishing Holy Water, dusting and cleaning of vessels and other light duties.

Kim Adams, 440-238-1176

Ministry of Music

The Parish’s Ministry of Music Programs are coordinated and overseen by the Director of Music. These programs include Cantors, Contemporary Choir (Praise Team), Traditional Choir, Handbell Choirs, and Youth Choir.


Sacristans prepare the altar for the Eucharistic liturgy, positioning sacred items in their proper places. They ensure that the other liturgical ministers are present, and after Mass, prepare for the next liturgy.

Sherry Kulway, 440-238-6163


Ushers strive personally to welcome Mass attendees, assist with seating, take up collections, and distribute bulletins. This ministry of hospitality sets a cordial tone for the liturgical celebrations. This ministry is open to men and women, including young adults.

Judy Feador, 440.503.6229,