Social Concerns

Social Concerns Commission

The Social Concerns Commission reminds us that the word "church" comes from the Greek work "ekklesia" meaning "call out". "As a Christian community we are people who together are called out of our familiar places to unknown territories, out of our ordinary and proper places to places where people hurt and where we can experience healing" (From the book: Compassion: A Reflection on the Christian Life). Although this would seem to indicate leaving your home, it is not necessary to do so. It does require you though, to step outside yourself to put on another's needs before your own and to actively respond to those needs in sacrifice and thanksgiving for all the blessings God had given you. Our Social Concerns Commission is examining our current outreach offerings and is looking for way to increase parishioner involvement. We want to hear from you and invite you to be a part of it.

Patsy Brodie,

Rosanne Radziewicz,

Bereavement Ministry

The St. Joseph Bereavement Ministry is a ministry of consolation for those who have experienced the death of a loved one. The Church offers the GriefShare ministry as a support network, and individual counseling is available. GriefShare is a Christian support group series with videos and group discussion to help participants recognize they are not alone and learn new ways to cope and experience healing on their unique grief journey. The series lasts 13 weeks and is offered weekly several times during the year. Anyone can come to any or all sessions. GriefShare is offered at many parishes and churches throughout our area. To view the schedule for parishes or for more information, visit or call our Parish Office at 440-238-5555.

Deacon Bob Lester, 440-238-5555, x110

Rosanne Radziewicz, 440-238-9477

El Salvador Sister Parish, San José Villanueva

In 2004, our parish entered into a partnership with San José Villanueva in El Salvador. This partnership is primarily a spiritual joining of two equal parishes praying for each other and learning from each other. St. Joseph parishioners are invited to join in solidarity with the people of San José in any of the following ways: become a Prayer partner with a San José family; become an Education partner by sponsoring a child in grade school, high school, or university; become part of the planning committee to assist with promotion and development of the partnership; or visit San José as part of a parish group. More details are available by clicking on the title of our partnership.

Meals at Westside Catholic Center, Women’s Shelter

Perfect opportunity for families and individuals who have limited time or just want to get an introduction to social concerns. Each session is just a few hours, and most volunteers serve just a few times each year.

On the first and fifth Saturday of each month, six to ten parish members travel to the Westside Catholic Center located across the street from St. Ignatius High School near the Westside Market. The volunteers prepare and serve breakfast to over 100 clients. A similar group of two to four parishioners prepare and serve dinner for up to 30 women and children on the third Sunday evenings at WSCC’s Women & Children Shelter. Volunteers can participate several times a year. Please see the attached schedule for the volunteer opportunities and let Tom know the dates you are interested in.

Ministry of Assistance

The Ministry of Assistance (MOA) works to provide temporary person-toperson assistance to St. Joseph Parishioners and Strongsville residents in need. It handles calls to the church office requesting material assistance due to unanticipated circumstances, such as food insecurity, housing issues, job loss and other unexpected events that temporarily strain a family's finances. These services may include providing emergency food or other resources as appropriate and/or providing referral information to agencies that handle such situations for the long term. MOA seeks members who desire to work with its clients to help address unexpected needs through the client visit process.

Each MOA member commits to active participation in several of its several activities. In addition to client visits, these activities include providing assistance to those in need in the Strongsville Community as well as the Greater Cleveland area in many ways. MOA provides, in conjunction with partner churches, donated clothing and household items, ongoing financial support and numerous volunteer hours to two SVDP Ozanam Food Pantries, the Southwest Pantry and St. John Paul II Pantry. At the Church it also collects and delivers weekly identified food items needed at the Strongsville Emergency Food Bank.

Lastly, MOA holds four major resources drives at St. Joseph’s each year; Food – March and November, School – August and Blankets and Beyond – October. Resources collected in these drives are shared with the needy within the parish community, Strongsville community and/or through distribution to those served through the two SVDP Ozanam Pantries supported.

All MOA resources and financial support are generously donated by St. Joseph parishioners as well as community businesses. In conjunction with its outreach partners, MOA members strive to commit to improve the lives of those it serves on an ongoing basis.

Parish Office,

Mission of Hope

A journey in discipleship, the Mission of Hope Ministry, seeks out and responds, in community, to need existing from either a natural disaster or poverty. Our work may include cleaning, building, replacing and/or rejuvenating homes and communities. The week-long trip provides an opportunity to learn and act on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. During our time together, we focus on building community, fellowship, faith sharing, Scripture, daily Mass and devotional periods, finding balance in life, and learning the joy in living more simply. We invite anyone, especially families wishing to serve together to join us. All are expected to participate in trip planning and fund raising activities. No experience is necessary - only an open heart and a willingness to learn and serve. 

Respect Life

Promoting respect for the dignity of the human person from conception until natural death. Our purpose is to help members of our parish live in accord with the truths about human life made known to us through natural law, human reason, and our Catholic faith. Committee members are involved in planning and executing activities which are intended to educate and engage all parishioners in building a culture of life beginning in our families and extending into the community. Activities include: the January Mass for Life, First Friday Rosary for Life, bi-annual Baby Bottle Collection, and legislative and community action against the death penalty, abortion, assisted suicide, and other direct threats to human life. Sign up to provide leadership, contribute new ideas and plan activities or to join us for 40 Days for Life each spring and fall to pray, fast, and keep vigil at a local abortion facility.

Dee Downey, 440-476-3831,

Feeding Our Family

On the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of each month four to eight parish members travel to Our Family Center, a storefront in East Cleveland, to provide a nourishing, hot meal to 50 - 70 men, women and children. A cooking team, of four to six parishioners, plan and prepare the meal in the church kitchen, in advance for the serving team. The serving team, of four to eight parishioners, meets at church at 3:30pm and returns at approximately 6:45pm. Volunteers can participate throughout the year.

Allen Weaver,