Youth-Young Adult

The Youth-Young Adult Commission seeks to engage and empower the youth and young adults of the Parish. The main goals of the Youth-Young Adult Commission include: 1) involve the youth in the life of the parish (Mass and activities) and in the Strongsville community, 2) to foster relationships among all the family members so that the entire family takes an active role in the parish and community, and 3) to continue to develop Youth Ministry leadership teams of youth and adults and to develp a junior-high Youth Ministry leadership of adults. The Youth Commission is comprised of both youth and adults of the parish.
Kathy Wolf, Chairwoman, 330-461-0748,

Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) is held during Mass twice each month during the school year. Children ages 3-7 are invited to join an adult facilitator to hear the proclamation of the Word and engage in activities designed to help them understand the scripture of the day.

Linda Zvoncheck, 440-238-5555,

Christian Initiation of Children (CIC)

CCIC is a program for older children who desire to become Catholic or whose parents would like them to become fully initiated as Catholics. It is designed for children in the third grade and up who have not received the Sacrament of Baptism, First Reconciliation, or First Communion.

Linda Zvoncheck, 440-238-5555,

Confirmation of Children

Students who have participated in religious instruction for at least two years are given the opportunity to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation while in the eighth grade. Candidates are required to attend religion classes, a Service Project Day, participate in a one-day retreat, and complete other assigned activities prior to the reception of the sacrament.

Linda Zvoncheck, 440-238-5555,

Cub Scouts

Through participation in den meetings, outings, and activities, boys achieve the aims of scouting: citizenship training, character development and personal fitness in grades one through four. Many parent volunteers are needed.


CYO / Athletic Boosters

This group provides for and supports athletic programs for our children, which promote the Christian ideals of fairness, fitness, sportsmanship and fellowship scholarship. Adult assistance is needed for coaching, facilities assistance (supervision, setup and cleanup), concession stand management, fundraising, and promoting the various sports programs for both boys and girls. The athletic programs are for all St. Joseph Parish members whose children attend PSR as well as those students who attend St. Joseph and John School.

Craig Behm, 440.781.5127,

Daisies, Brownies and Girl Scouts

Fun activities and service projects help girls learn about themselves and others while developing physically, emotionally and spiritually. Volunteers are invited to help with various meetings and projects of the scouting program.

SJJ School Office, 440-238-4877

Pre-School Religious Education Program

The Pre-School Program at St. Joseph’s is a family centered cooperative program which builds on the intimate bond between parents and children established during the early moments of life. In the Sunday morning sessions, we work together as sharers of faith to make the Word of God come alive in our family events and church experiences. The program is for 3, 4, and 5 year olds and is held in the school during the 10:00 Mass from October through April.

Linda Zvoncheck,


ROCK36: Reaching Other Catholic Kids in Grades 3-6 is open all children in these grades. Throughout the year, events are held that all participants to grow in friendship with one another, learn more about their faith, and reach out to others. 

Linda Zvoncheck, 440-238-5555,

Pearl Young Adult Catholics

PYAC is a group of adults, both married and single, from ages 21-40 (or so), who gather for fellowship, prayer, and discussion. Periodic gatherings are held throughout the year and at various locations throughout the area. Opportunities to interact with other parishes and groups of similar-aged Catholics occur on occasion.

Linda Zvoncheck, 440-238-5555,

St. Joseph Parish School of Religion (PSR)

PSR helps children grow in their knowledge and love of God and their Catholic faith, as well as prepare them to receive the sacraments. The Religious Education office is always looking for adults who are willing to teach. Classes are held weekly on Wednesdays from the end of September through April from 7:00-8:15 p.m. All classes are held in the school building.

Linda Zvoncheck, 440-238-5555,

Vacation Bible School

In the summer, Vacation Bible School provides an experience of Jesus’ love and Christian community for grade school children for one week. Adult and teenage volunteers are needed.

Linda Zvoncheck, 440-238-5555,

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry exists in the church as a means to serve those who are junior high school (grades 7-8) and high school (grades 9-12) students. The program takes a comprehensive approach as outlined by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. This includes opportunity for prayer, growing in community, service and catechesis. There is particular focus and emphasis on leadership development and having teens recognize and utilize their God given gifts and talents. Youth Ministry is a parish responsibility and welcomes the talents of those who wish to volunteer with the program.

Linda Zvoncheck,